Artifact One

Artifact One

Teacher Interview 1

Teacher Interview:


For this artifact, I interviewed my mom who is a para professional in a public school back home. She works with a student who has severe autism. I asked her how she uses technology to create powerful opportunities for him. In this artifact, you will learn a little bit about autism and how students in kindergarten at a public school are allowed access to technology to better understand their school work. Within this interview I learned about how iPads can be used for communication, and rewards for students. iPads are a great tool to use within a classroom for many different reasons, in this artifact I explain how I learned about iPad usage in a lower grade classroom and how it can be really beneficial for all students.

Relation to the Standard:

This artifact describes how students are using technology to improve their learning. Without iPads, the students with autism may have a harder time being able to communicate within their classroom and outside of their classroom. The standard states that technology should enrich the students experience and I believe that this artifact truly depicts how iPads and other technology can integrated students with IEP’s into a mainstream classroom.

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