EDU 206: Foundations of Literacy

EDU 206: Foundations of Literacy

UNE Course Description: Foundations of Literacy and Language Development will focus on examining the building blocks of teaching children how to read. This course is designed to examine theories and processes related to language and literacy development, and the implications of these theories and processes for curriculum and instruction. It focuses on the stages of literacy acquisition. During this course, students will become proficient in the core components of literacy instruction which consist of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and text comprehension. This course includes an exploration of instructional strategies to implement a coordinated early literacy program and plan an appropriate curriculum aligned with research around literacy development. One of the requirements for this course is a field experience where students will visit a classroom, observe, participate and critique examples of effective teaching practices. 

During this course I was able to be involved in field work at the Kindergarten school called JFK in Biddeford. I also was able to pick a specific student to do a case study on, use assessments on her and evaluate for myself and her teacher.

I have linked here an assignment I did by creating a family literacy backpack for my future classroom.
