Nanny Blog Week 1
Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog. My blog includes my own experience with being a caregiver to a 10 month old baby, linked to my knowledge about child development and early childhood education. To introduce you, I am 20 years old, being a full time nanny for a little baby boy named Connor. He is a complete joy! I am also headed into my senior year at UNE as an elementary/middle education major with a special education minor. I love children, and I love learning from them!
First, I will talk about last week I had with Connor. The weather started to get nice, so I would go and pick him up from his house, pack his diaper bag and stroller, get in my car and head out. I always grab a coffee before we go anywhere. Then we went towards my house to go on a walk. I created a journal last week also for Connor’s parents’ and I to have better communication on how his schedule works. In the journal I write what he eats, at what time, and if he likes it or not. I also write when he sleeps and for how long and diaper changes.
Usually, every day looks pretty similar, but sometimes we find new things to do! Connor this past week was really intrigued by his dog’s water dish. I created a little sensory water tray for him to play in outside one day when it was nice out. He splashed out every single drop of water in the tray. Babies love the sensory aspect of water, it also allows them to be comfortable with baths, and swimming. I am so excited he loves water because we live a mile from the ocean and I am planning on taking him this summer to the beach to see how he reacts to the sand and the ocean. I am adding a link that explains how beneficial it is to have babies engaging in water sensory play. The article includes some benefits like, balance and strength, coordination, exploration, and communication.
We had a few big accomplishments this past week. Connor learned how to clap, high five, hand babble (move his hand across his mouth while talking to make a funny sound) and eat a squeeze pouch all on his own! It’s really fun to teach babies new things because they catch on really easily. I taught him how to clap by showing him me clapping and saying “yay!”. I then grabbed his hands and made the clapping motion while proceeding to say “yay!”. Now, whenever he hears the trigger word “yay!” he claps. He has been doing it so much and has tied the clapping into when he is happy and excited. Whenever he sees his food he starts clapping and when he sees something he likes he starts to clap. This is most definitely his favorite trick, I love that he has tied it to so many things, it’s like he is always cheering us on.
I really am so excited for this blog, Connor is a pure joy and I can’t wait to share my experiences with him with this blog and my knowledge to hopefully help other caregivers or parents. Babies are so much fun, but there is a lot to know going into taking care of them, it’s a huge job and responsibility. I think that this blog will help others grow knowledge on how to take care of babies and teach them new things, and even ask me questions on things they are unsure of. I hope caregivers can relate to my blog also.