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Artifact One

Artifact One

Teacher Interview 1 Teacher Interview: Description: For this artifact, I interviewed my mom who is a para professional in a public school back home. She works with a student who has severe autism. I asked her how she uses technology to create powerful opportunities for him. In this artifact, you will learn a little bit about autism and how students in kindergarten at a public school are allowed access to technology to better understand their school work. Within this interview…

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Technology Mission Statement

Technology Mission Statement

As a teacher, I will definitely be using technology to engage my students, enhance their experiences and extend their future education. Within my classroom, I will allow my students to use technology to explain their knowledge, to share their work and to collaborate with other students. As a teacher, I will use technology for classroom management, and to make sure my students are getting their knowledge to their fullest potential. I will highlight my students strengths using technology by allowing…

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My Story

My Story

Welcome to my portfolio! I am an Elementary/ Middle Education Major at the University of New England. I aspire to become a kindergarten teacher in a welcoming district. My main goal is to allow my students to gain confidence in and outside of my classroom and to make school a safe place where they want to be. Enjoy!
