DS106 GIF into FIG

DS106 GIF into FIG

This weeks gif assignment was to create a gif that is funny backwards. The original video, the frog obviously jumped forward and in this it looks like it is jumping backwards. I guess the gif itself isn’t all that funny, but the story behind it is. The other day while I was sitting for my other nanny child, we found this cute little frog, she’s nine so of course we played with it and brought it along with us to do fun things. The frogs name was then Todd. While Summer (the little girl) was walking outside, Todd did a jump onto the ground, probably seeing an opportunity to escape. Todd was rudely mistaken when he next found himself inside of Summer’s 11 year old French Bulldog’s mouth. Summer cried, I screamed. I finally did the adult thing, picked up the dog and fortunately she spit Todd out. Todd was very wet after and we let him hop peacefully away while we went inside. I was very unsure about Todd living and I didn’t need Summer to be traumatized even more, so we “let him go home”. We both ended up laughing about it in the end, but the whole experience was a whirlwind of emotions. So, here you have Summer and Todd, Todd is doing a little backwards jump.


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